Ronaldinho warns Real Madrid: “It could happen again”

Ronaldinho is always the authorized voice in Barcelona. The former great star of the Catalan team gave an interview to Mundo Deportivo newspaper in which he analyzed the current affairs of the club since the arrival of Xavi and left a warning to Real Madrid: a return is possible.

Barcelona moment. . “Now I’m back to look at Barcelona with Xavi, who has come back and brought us hope. As my ex-boyfriend and teammate, it excites me. Because today they make you want to look at Barcelona again.”

Xavi. “When he played, he really had a vision for the match as a coach. He’s led the matches and I see that well because it makes us want to watch Barcelona matches again.”

Does he see himself as a coach? “The truth is I’ve never seen myself this way before, it might be in the future, when I have more patience (laughs). It’s hard when one quits football and has a way of looking at it, and wants other people to do that. with things that are difficult for them to do. Therefore, I still have no patience.”

Messi’s departure. “A surprise, not just for me but for everyone. I never imagined seeing him in another shirt but these are things that happen and for me the important thing is that if he’s happy, it doesn’t matter where he is. For me that’s what matters.”

Barcelona’s return as in 2003 (winning the La Liga after reducing the 18-point difference with Madrid). “Exactly, it was a great comeback of our time and it could happen again. Like I said, we are excited that Barcelona will play well again and I think anything is possible.”

Source: AS

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